fabrysuisse · CH-8000 Zürich · Tel. · info@fabrysuisse.ch


Affected persons, relatives, doctors or interested parties - no matter for which reason you visit this website, all of them have their own needs. Our goal is to breastfeed some of them. For example, your need for information, for understanding, for exchange, pain study.

Important Links:

Fabry International FIN NEWS
Pro Raris
Rare Diseases
Medical Exoerts Morbus Fabry Switzerland

Fabrysuisse promotes the information exchange between affected patients and medical specialists. Patients find easy access to medical information.

An ill person without the correct diagnosis is often not understood by his surroundings. Exchange of experiences by affected patients helps to alleviate isolation and aids in meeting the daily challenges of the disease.

Fabrysuisse aids in connecting with patients and providing information. This organization was formed through the cooperation and initiative of patients and physicians.





Contact us

CH-8000 Zurich

Contact Form

Beate Krenn
8136 Gattikon